Constitution (ratified AGM February 2005)


The name of the society will be the South-East Thames Society of Anaesthetists, hereafter known as SETSA.


Membership of the society will be open to all anaesthetists, practising and retired, from the former South-East Thames Regional Health Authority.

There will be no annual membership fee. If, in future, a fee is deemed necessary, it will be proposed by the Secretary/Treasurer to be ratified by the committee.


The aim of the society shall be to hold meetings to provide a forum for education and for social interaction for members.

To provide an opportunity for members to present talks/papers.

To provide an opportunity for trainees to present talks/papers.

To hold two meetings per year; the summer meeting at a DGH and the winter meeting at a teaching hospital.

The format of the meeting to be decided by the host hospital.

The attendance charge to be at a level so that no loss is made by the host hospital.

Five CME points will be awarded for a full day’s attendance at both meetings.


The committee will consist of:

  • President
  • Honorary Secretary and Treasurer
  • Consultant or Associate specialist representatives from every anaesthetic department in the region. They will be elected locally.
  • If a consultant representative is unable to attend the meeting, he/she shall designate a colleague to attend on his/her behalf.

The President elect will attend.

The president of the SSA (Southern Society of Anaesthetists) will attend by invitation.

If a consultant representative is unable to attend the meeting, he/she will designate a colleague to attend on his/her behalf.

The role of the committee will be to oversee the activity of the society and to make changes to the constitution, if required. The quorum will be six members.

The President will be elected by the committee members and ratified by the AGM. He/she will serve a term of two years.

The Secretary/Treasurer will be elected by the committee and will serve a term of three years.

There will be no limit to the duration of office of the consultant representatives.


A committee meeting will precede each half yearly meeting.

In addition, there will be an AGM to coincide with the winter meeting.


The President will

  • be responsible for the constitutional running of the society
  • chair the AGM and other relevant committee meetings
  • be responsible for administration and coordination of all the activities of the society

The Secretary/ Treasurer will

  • keep a full list of committee members
  • keep a record of all meetings held and distribute the records to all SETSA representatives
  • keep a file of all correspondence
  • keep a record of all financial transactions
  • present a financial report at the AGM

The local representatives will

  • attend as many of the meetings as possible or delegate as above
  • feedback necessary details to their departments
  • encourage their trainees and consultant colleagues to attend and to present papers at the educational meetings
  • volunteer to host and organize meetings in rotation


The SETSA representative of the hospital hosting the meeting will keep a financial account of the meeting and present it to the secretary/ treasurer.

Profits accrued from the meetings will be divided equally between the host department and SETSA.

The monies from the SETSA account will be used

  • to award prizes for trainee presentations
  • to compensate the host hospital if a loss is made on the meeting
  • for other charitable purposes as decided by the committee
  • to fund other meetings as decided by the committee

Two signatories, namely the President and the Secretary/Treasurer, will be required for all financial transactions.

The funds are held in two accounts. The Reserve Account and the Current account at the London Bridge branch of the National Westminster Bank.


The two meetings provide 10 External CME points so it is to be hoped that attendance will be good. It is traditional for the host hospital to request that routine lists are cancelled for those members wishing to attend who have commitments on the day of the meeting. Thus, if the host committee and the local clinical directorate have agreed a day, then all requests for study leave should be granted, provided the usual notice (e.g. 6 weeks) is given. Other SET region hospitals may wish to do the same. Local managers should be made aware that the registration fee is very reasonable for the number of external CME points awarded.


Originally, SETSA was coterminous with the South East Region of the NHS. The boundaries were changed in 1998 to reflect the European Regional structure. It may in future be necessary to restructure the SETSA to make it coterminous with a new region. This decision would need to be ratified at an AGM following a majority decision by the SETSA committee. In such a case, redistribution of funds in equal proportion to London South (East) and Southern Region will need to take place. However, the decision to do this would have to take place in cooperation with the SSA. If the SETSA is wound up completely then the fate of the funds will have to be decided by the committee and ratified at the last (emergency) AGM.

Dr Sushama Day
Hon Secretary and Treasurer

Dr David Green

September 14 2004